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Free Seller's Permit

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AZ Seller's Permit

Question: How Do I Get My AZ Seller's Permit?

********* Answer: Simply submit an online form and

***** We will file it with the appropriate governement agency as required by law and will mail and email it to you.

Where Do I Go Get A(n) AZ Seller's Permit?

How Much is A(n) AZ Sellers Permit?

Is a(n) AZ Resale ID Same As a Sellers Permit?

Do I Need a(n) AZ Sellers Permit If I Have a Federal ID?

Why Do I Need a(n) AZ Sellers Permit?

Selling/Leasing or if wanting to buy or sell merchandise, food, equipment wholesale requires a Arizona Seller's Permit.

Here's How to Get Your Seller's Permit and Other permits and Registrations You May Need:

First decide on a business structure Arizona as a Sole Proprietor, LLC/Corp, or Partnership.

Note that each structure requires a filing. E.g., selecting an LLC, requires at least an LLC certificate, an LLC operating agreement, a business license and a federal tax ID number.

All Businesses need a(n), AZ Business tax registration also called an occupational business License

Selling/Leasing or if wanting to buy or sell Arizona merchandise, food, equipment wholesale requires a Seller's Permit.

All AZ Businesses Using a DBA doing business as name need a DBA Fictitious Business Name

Hiring AZ Workers Requires a Federal EIN and a State Tax Number EIN

Are Services Taxable

Do I Need A Filing Before I Obtain a Sellers Permit

Do I Need a Sellers Permit For Selling Merchandise

Do I Need a Sellers Permit If I Have a Federal ID

Do Non Profits NonProfits Need a Sellers Permit

Do Professionals Need a Sellers Permit

How Do I Get a Sellers Permit

How Long Does It Take To Get My Sellers Permit

How Much is A Sellers Permit

Is a Resale Certificate Same as a Sellers Permit

Is a Resale ID Same As a Sellers Permit

Where I Can Go Obtain A Sellers Permit

Why Do I Need a Sellers Permit


From sole proprietor, LLC, partneship or Corp.: Each requires a certificate filing.


All businesses/entities need a business license and an EIN.


Selling/Buying wholesale or retail requires a seller's permit.

AZ Seller's Permit. Here's a Seller's Permit Example for the State of AZ: 85262 Maricopa County Scottsdale Custom Hats Scottsdale, 85262 1 Scottsdale, 8/16/2024 2:43 AM . Custom Hats 85262


Will be home based, will set up Etsy and website. Maybe sign up for farmers market or a store that features many shops or handmade products.

Business Licenses and Permits

For your home-based handmade products business, you'll likely need a general business license or permit. Depending on your specific products and operations, you may also require specialized permits related to home occupancy, zoning, or product-specific regulations.  

Tax Registrations

You'll need to obtain the following tax registrations:  
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)

  • Sales tax permit

  • State tax registration

  • Additional Considerations

    If you plan to sell food items at farmers markets, additional food handling certifications may be necessary. For online sales through Etsy and your own website, ensure compliance with e-commerce regulations and obtain any required digital business licenses.
        1 Online Selling Stuff Custom Hats FitzCayleeburg Caylee Calvert, LLC.

    85262   AZ Maricopa County
    Custom Hats


    1. Business Structure:

      • Sole Proprietorship: Super simple, but your personal assets are at risk.

      • LLC: A bit more paperwork, but protects your personal goodies.

    2. Business Name:

      • Make sure it’s unique and catchy.

      • Check availability in your state and register it.

    3. EIN (Employer Identification Number):

      • You can get this from the IRS. It’s like a social security number for your biz.

    4. Home Business Zoning Laws:

      • Some areas have restrictions. Double-check with your local zoning office.

    5. Permits and Licenses:

      • General Business License: Required in most places.

      • Seller’s Permit: If you’re selling taxable items.

      • Home Occupation Permit: Depending on your city.

    6. Insurance:

      • Look into home-based business insurance. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

    7. Online Presence:

      • Etsy and Website: Get these set up to showcase your amazing products.

      • Domain Name: Make sure it matches your business name.

    8. Farmers Markets & Retail Stores:

      • Check with local markets and stores for vendor applications.

      • Each may have their own specific requirements and permits.

    9. Taxes:

      • Keep track of your earnings and expenses. Maybe consider getting an accountant or some good accounting software.

    Industry Overview and Startup Considerations The handmade products market is booming, with global sales expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2024. Etsy alone saw over $13 billion in gross merchandise sales in 2021. As for capital, you might need around $2,000-$5,000 to get started, depending on your specific products and equipment needs. Speaking of equipment, you'll likely need: Computer or tablet High-quality camera for product photos Crafting tools specific to your products Packaging materials Now, let's talk business structure and paperwork. Brace yourself for some acronym aerobics! Business Structure: LLC vs. S Corp Choosing between an LLC and S Corp depends on your specific situation. An LLC offers liability protection and tax flexibility, while an S Corp can provide potential tax savings through salary and dividend distributions. Both structures separate your personal assets from your business liabilities. EIN: Your Business's Social Security Number An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is a unique 9-digit number assigned to your business. It's used for: Filing business tax returns Opening business bank accounts Hiring employees Establishing business credit Think of it as your business's social security number, but hopefully with fewer identity thieves trying to claim it. Seller's Permit: Your Ticket to Retail A seller's permit allows you to collect sales tax on your products. You'll need one if you're selling taxable goods or services. It's generally required for: Online sales through Etsy or your website In-person sales at farmers markets or craft fairs Wholesale transactions Business Name Registration Registering your business name protects your brand and prevents others from using it. This process varies depending on your business structure: For an LLC: Your name is registered when you file your LLC formation documents For a sole proprietorship: You may need to file a DBA (Doing Business As) if you're using a name other than your legal name Additional Permits and Licenses Depending on your specific products and location, you may need additional permits or licenses. These could include: Home Occupation Permit Health Department Permit (for food-related products) Zoning Permits Remember, requirements can vary widely based on your location and the nature of your business. It's always best to check with local authorities to ensure you're fully compliant. And there you have it! You're now armed with the knowledge to navigate the exciting world of handmade product entrepreneurship. May your crafts be profitable and your paperwork be minimal!...


    Will be home based, will set up Etsy and website. Maybe sign up for farmers market or a store that features many shops or handmade products.

    Business Licenses and Permits

    For your home-based handmade products business, you'll likely need a general business license or permit. Depending on your specific products and operations, you may also require specialized permits related to home occupancy, zoning, or product-specific regulations.  

    Tax Registrations

    You'll need to obtain the following tax registrations:  
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)

  • Sales tax permit

  • State tax registration

  • Additional Considerations

    If you plan to sell food items at farmers markets, additional food handling certifications may be necessary. For online sales through Etsy and your own website, ensure compliance with e-commerce regulations and obtain any required digital business licenses.
    Example 2:

    AZ Seller's Permit.

    Here's a Seller's Permit Example for the State of AZ: Sell Cbd Out Of State

    Maricopa County Chandler Cbd Chandler, 85225 I will not hire any contractors or employees. Chandler, 3/17/2020 12:33 PM . Cbd Sell Cbd Out Of State

    FAQs - More...
          Wholesale Trade Cbd Fitz burg  , LLC.

    85225   AZ Maricopa County
    AZ DBA Example: 3/17/2020 12:33 PM SrJohnns . Sell Cbd Out Of State Cbd

    FAQs - More...
    DeJanech, . AZ 2 City of Chandler Cbd license AZ
    Frequently asked questions:

    Q: Do I need anything other than a trade name DBA certificate?
    A: Yes, you may need a business tax id and a business tax registration as well as a resale ID if you sell taxable items.
    Q:What happens after I choose the structure of my business?
    A:First, you need a business license, and the DBA registration. Then, it depends whether you are an employer.. if you are one, you will need a federal and state employer tax number ID. In addition, if you sell any items or you lease any taxable items you will need a sales tax id number.
    Q:What if I have a partner, Do I need to register more than one DBA name?
    A:If you have a pertner, you still get one fictitious business name filing that has both partners names and home addresses.
    Q:What if I operate in another county area but my clients are in yet another county? Depending on the volume of your business you may have to get licensing to come in the county to do business but the ficitious business name is issued where you business is located so you will need only one registration for the county your office is located.
    A:When do I renew my trade name license? The fictitious business name statement registration is valid for 4-5 years then you need to renew.
    Q:Is there a list of business name certificates I can obtain from your company? No, our listing are private and not rendered to the public.
    A:Do I have to pay an annual fee to maintain my DBA registration? No, you don't have to pay anything annually but you do need to renew every 4-5 years and that requires a renewal fee..
    Q:How long before or after I start my business am I required to file a DBA? In most cases, you need to apply within 30 days of starting your business
    A:Sole proprietorship vs. DBA vs. "S" corporation. From all these, naturally, LLC is better vs. Sole proprietor because an LLC saves taxes and protects your assets. On the other hand, an "S" corporation can help you better than an LLC or a sole proprietorship in many specific cases.
    Q:What if I decide not to start a business? Will I get a refund for my Fictitious Business Name fees I paid? Unfortunately, fees for DBA filing and registration are not refundable.
    A:Is a business name registration sufficient to start a business or is insurance required? Most businesses do need insurance but you may need to register your company name and obtain a business license as well as some type of tax ID depending on you type of business before starting your business.


    ARIZONA Seller's permit


    Or, Call Now:
     (888) 995-8568 - 9am-5pm PST

    ARIZONA Sales & Use Tax Rate Changes Effective January 1, 2020

    In Arizona, you need a seller's  permit to collect Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) (Commonly referred to as a Sales, Resale, Wholesale, Vendor or Tax License).

       If you are selling a product or engaging in a service subject to transaction privilege tax, you will  need to obtain an AZ Seller's permit transaction privilege tax (TPT) license, which you can do here online  (this privilege tax is commonly referred to as a Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) , resale, wholesale, vendor or tax license) . 

     Overview of Arizona Seller's  Permit (commonly referred to as a Sales, Resale, Wholesale, Vendor or Tax License) .

       The Arizona Seller's permit  is issued for collecting transaction privilege tax is commonly referred to as a Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) ; however, the tax is on the privilege of doing business in Arizona and is not a true Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) because the vendor has to pay though the vendor collects it from the consumer. 

       Arizona transaction privilege taxes are imposed on persons engaged in certain business classifications, including retail sales. 

       What this means is that various business activities are subject to state, county and/or city transaction privilege tax (TPT). 

       Here is when you need to obtain an AZ Seller's permit : retail sales, restaurants/bars, hotel/motel (transient lodging), commercial leasing, advertising, amusements, personal property rentals, real property rentals, construction contracting, owner/builders, manufactured building, severance (mining, timbering), transportation, printing, publishing, utilities, communications, air/railroad, private cars/pipelines and use tax. 

       Note that some cities have additional tax for activities such as  1) renting, leasing, or licensing for use residential real property or 2) the sale of advertising.  


       000 - Retail Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) Rate6.25

    001 - Soil prep., custom baling, other ag. servicesE

    002 - Veterinary services (both large and small animal)E

    003 - Horse boarding and training (not race horses)E

    004 - Pet grooming6.25

    005 - Landscaping services (including lawn care)6.25see note

    006 - Metal, non-metal and coal mining servicesE

    007 - Seismograph & Geophysical ServicesE

    008 - Oil Field Services2.42see note

    009 - Typesetting service; platemaking for the print trade6.25see note

    010 - Gross Income of Construction Contractors6.25see note

    011 - Carpentry, painting, plumbing and similar trades.6.25see note

    012 - Construction service (grading, excavating, etc.)6.25see note

    013 - Water well drillingEsee note

    014 - Income from intrastate transportation of personsE

    015 - Local transit (intra-city) busesE

    016 - Income from taxi operationsE

    017 - Intrastate courier service6.25see note

    018 - Interstate air courier (billed in-state)6.25see note

    019 - Automotive storage6.25

    020 - Food storageE

    021 - Fur storage6.25

    022 - Household goods storageE

    023 - Mini -storageE

    024 - Cold storageE

    025 - Marina Service (docking, storage, cleaning, repair)6.25see note

    026 - Marine towing service (incl. tugboats)E

    027 - Travel agent servicesE

    028 - Packing and cratingE

    029 - Intrastate telephone & telegraph6.25

    030 - Interstate telephone & telegraph6.25see note

    031 - Cellular telephone services6.25

    032 - Electricity6.25see note

    033 - WaterE

    034 - Natural gas6.25see note

    035 - Other fuel (including heating oil)6.25see note

    036 - Sewer and refuse, industrial6.25see note

    037 - Intrastate telephone & telegraph6.25

    038 - Interstate telephone & telegraph6.25see note

    039 - Cellular telephone services6.25

    040 - ElectricityEsee note

    041 - WaterE

    042 - Natural gasEsee note

    043 - Other fuel (including heating oil)6.25see note

    044 - Sewer and refuse, residential6.25see note

    045 - Service charges of banking institutionsEsee note

    046 - Insurance services6.25see note

    047 - Investment counselingE

    048 - Loan broker feesE

    049 - Property sales agents (real estate or personal)E

    050 - Real estate management fees (rental agents)E

    051 - Real estate title abstract servicesE

    052 - Tickertape reporting (financial reporting)6.25see note

    053 - Barber shops and beauty parlorsEsee note

    054 - Carpet and upholstery cleaning6.25

    055 - Dating servicesEsee note

    056 - Debt counselingE

    057 - Diaper service6.25

    058 - Income from funeral servicesE

    059 - Fishing and hunting guide servicesE

    060 - Garment services (altering & repairing)6.25

    061 - Gift and package wrapping serviceEsee note

    062 - Health clubs, tanning parlors, reducing salons6.25see note

    063 - Laundry and dry cleaning services, coin-opE

    064 - Laundry and dry cleaning services, non-coin op6.25

    065 - Massage services6.25see note

    Wondering How to Obtain a Business License or whether to get one for your  New
    In addition, to start your own Trixie's Tradez business, the first step is to apply for a CA Home Occupation Business License , , but CA Sellers Permit is at state level registration. The business license may be required from just one government level, such as the state, or any two or all levels of government may require you to get a permit or license. 2 City of Lakeside Trixie's Tradez license CA
    AZ Business?

    Official Name Glendale States Scottsdale State City Gilbert Largest City Phoenix Capital Phoenix State Cities Chandler A. You may obtain an application
    by submitting your business information on our website,
    paying online or you may contact us at 310-455-6675.

    Q. If I have several businesses, but they are all owned as sole owner businesses?

    In short, you must apply for Business License which
    includes a Business Application Form License.
    Getting a Business License is not exactly easy but hire us and
    we could get you one in any state or we could research and
    tell you how to go about finding out
    How to Get a Business License.
    Here is how to Obtain a Business License in your state.
    First, it does not matter whether you applying for a New Business License, or just
    wondering how you go about Obtaining a
    Business License. Second, know that for your Small Business
    License it is not only about getting the Business
    License Cost or the business license fees but also about what is the correct
    business license form.

    do I have to get a Business Licenses for
    each and every one?
    A. No, you may do business with just one AZ business license. State Abbreviation Arizona Related Links: Click for AZ counties sitemap. State Sitemap
    Glendale Gilbert Phoenix Arizona Scottsdale Phoenix Chandler Licenses & Permits

    Do I need a AZ Seller's Permit?
    You may need a selle'r permit and several other Chandler permits and tax IDs. AZ AZ Seller's Permit.

    There are many terms describing a seller's permit:

    A AZ seller's permit is also called a state ID, a
    sales tax number
    and a general AZ state resale tax numbrer for business.
    Also, resale ID, reseller ID, sales tax ID, reseller license. State reseller ID etc.
    In addition to a seller's permit, you may need a AZ fictitious firm business name registration because it is required if you use a name other
    than your full family name as a business trade name.

    In the case that you are an llc or corporation, a trade business name
    registration is required if trading with a name other than
    the llc or corporation name.
    AZ LLC vs. "S" Corporation.

    As with an "S" Corporation, a limited liability company is like a shield against
    creditors and lawsuits arising out of business transacions.
    The llc will shield your personal assets such
    as automobiles or homes. An LLC is more flexible but an "S" Corporation may help you save on employment taxes if you are self employed. AZ Incorporation.

    A corporation can be either "S" or "C" as a business corporation. It is like a shield against creditors
    and lawsuits arising out of business transacions.
    The corporation will shield your personal assets
    such as automobiles or homes. Also, note that if you incorporate or set up an LLC, you will not need to file for a trade name if you meet the requirements mentioned above.
    Custom Hats

    Will be home based, will set up Etsy and website. Maybe sign up for farmers market or a store that features many shops or handmade products.

    Business Licenses and Permits

    For your home-based handmade products business, you'll likely need a general business license or permit. Depending on your specific products and operations, you may also require specialized permits related to home occupancy, zoning, or product-specific regulations.

    Tax Registrations

    You'll need to obtain the following tax registrations:
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Sales tax permit
  • State tax registration
  • Additional Considerations

    If you plan to sell food items at farmers markets, additional food handling certifications may be necessary. For online sales through Etsy and your own website, ensure compliance with e-commerce regulations and obtain any required digital business licenses.
    AZ AZ
    Home It’s home based Floral business arrangement I make arrangements with flowers for special occasions.

    Industry Snapshot and Startup Costs

    The floral industry is a blooming (pun intended) business, with the global market size estimated at a fragrant $55 billion as of 2023. To get your slice of this flower-powered pie, you'll need a sizable startup budget. Expect to shell out around $100,000 to $250,000 to get your floral enterprise off the ground, including the cost of a prime retail location, state-of-the-art refrigeration units, and a fleet of delivery vans. Think of it as an investment in your future - one that's sure to blossom (sorry, couldn't resist) into a thriving and profitable venture.

    Licenses, Permits, and Business Registration

    Before you can start slinging bouquets, you'll need to navigate the thorny world of legal requirements. Here's what you'll need:
  • Seller's Permit: This nifty document allows you to collect sales tax from your customers and remit it to the government. It's like having a green light to be a flower-selling superhero.
  • Business Registration: Whether you opt for a sole proprietorship, partnership, or the more formal LLC or S-Corp, you'll need to register your business name with the appropriate authorities. This helps establish your brand and ensures no one else is trying to steal your floral thunder.
  • EIN (Employer Identification Number): This nine-digit code is your business's social security number, used for tax purposes and opening business accounts. It's like a secret handshake for the business world.
  • AZ AZ
    Clothing Store

    I sell used items that people would find in a thrift store. Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp and in person out of my storage units..

    Licenses: The Fashion Forward Essentials

    In the world of fashion, licenses are the stitches that hold your clothing store together, ensuring your business looks as stylish as the garments you sell. Without them, your store would be as incomplete as an outfit without the perfect accessories.

    The Basic Wardrobe

    • Business License: This license is the little black dress of your operation, a classic essential that allows you to legally conduct business within your city or town.
    • Sales Tax License: Just like a statement necklace that adds the perfect finishing touch, this license lets you collect and remit sales tax, ensuring your business stays in vogue with the law.

    Accessorizing Your Store

    While the basic licenses form the foundation of your fashion empire, a few additional permits might be required to truly make your store shine:

    • Zoning Permit: Like a chic pair of shoes that complements your outfit, this permit ensures your store location is a perfect fit for the area.
    • Resale Certificate: If you plan to purchase inventory from wholesalers or designers, this certificate acts as a stylish passport, allowing you to avoid paying sales tax on those fabulous finds.

    Certifications: The Haute Couture Touch

    While not strictly required, certifications can elevate your store to the next level, like a haute couture collection that takes your breath away:

    • Fashion Merchandising Certificate: This certification showcases your expertise in the art of visual merchandising, ensuring your store displays are as captivating as the latest runway show.
    • Customer Service Training: By mastering the art of customer service, you'll provide an experience as luxurious as the finest boutique, keeping your clients coming back for more.

    The Emotional Connection

    Remember, these licenses and certifications are not just legal requirements; they are the threads that weave together the tapestry of your fashion empire. Each one is a badge of honor, a testament to your commitment to excellence and your passion for style. With these in hand, your clothing store will be a true sartorial sanctuary, a place where fashion dreams come to life.

    AZ AZ
    Delilah Codes Kingman 2022-02-22 03:58:00.000 Home Based Business 86409 NULL 88671 Food Preparation NULL AZ
    AZ AZ
    Sell Clothing Online
    85320 Phoenix 85040 Lena Dena Lena's Selling Online Online Selling Stuff 88494 Sell Clothing Online NULL Aguila AZ
    AZ AZ
    Online Merchandise
    I am starting an online business selling different things that i buy from liquidation auctions to people nationwide on Etsy and Ebay
    AZ AZ
    Candy Store
    85353 85353 Jade Jades Snacks Home Business 88457 Candy Store 2 Tolleson AZ
    AZ AZ
    Custom Hats

    Will be home based, will set up Etsy and website. Maybe sign up for farmers market or a store that features many shops or handmade products.

    Business Licenses and Permits

    For your home-based handmade products business, you'll likely need a general business license or permit. Depending on your specific products and operations, you may also require specialized permits related to home occupancy, zoning, or product-specific regulations.

    Tax Registrations

    You'll need to obtain the following tax registrations:
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Sales tax permit
  • State tax registration
  • Additional Considerations

    If you plan to sell food items at farmers markets, additional food handling certifications may be necessary. For online sales through Etsy and your own website, ensure compliance with e-commerce regulations and obtain any required digital business licenses.
    AZSeller's Perrmit
    Glendale Gilbert Phoenix Arizona Scottsdale Phoenix Chandler Licenses & Permits
    Merchandise Plus General Merchandise & Wire Wrapped Jewlery 8/9/2021 3:14 AM - Prescott, AZ Seller's Permit
    Sell Cbd Out Of State Cbd 3/17/2020 12:33 PM - Chandler, AZ Seller's Permit
    Set Up LLC Kingman AZ 86401 Skin Care/Cosmetics 2/17/2019 12:28 PM - Aguila, AZ Seller's Permit
    85710 Clothing Store 3/11/2017 4:48 PM - Tucson, AZ Seller's Permit
    224 Ecommers Clothing Store 10/11/2016 11:36 AM - Scottsdale, AZ Seller's Permit
    85297 Online Clothing Electronics 9/29/2015 1:39 PM - Gilbert, AZ Seller's Permit
    Ebay Laveen Az 85339 Resale 4/19/2015 12:12 PM - Laveen, AZ Seller's Permit
    What I Need To Open A Boutique Fashion Boutique 1/3/2015 5:33 PM - Rio Rico, AZ Seller's Permit
    Sellers Permit In Handbags Wallets 12/7/2014 3:49 AM - Tucson, AZ Seller's Permit
    Get Sellers License Arizona Ebay Home Business 12/5/2014 3:37 PM - Phoenix, AZ Seller's Permit

