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Free Seller's Permit

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MA Seller's Permit

Question: How Do I Get My MA Seller's Permit?

********* Answer: Simply submit an online form and

***** We will file it with the appropriate governement agency as required by law and will mail and email it to you.

Where Do I Go Get A(n) MA Seller's Permit?

How Much is A(n) MA Sellers Permit?

Is a(n) MA Resale ID Same As a Sellers Permit?

Do I Need a(n) MA Sellers Permit If I Have a Federal ID?

Why Do I Need a(n) MA Sellers Permit?

Selling/Leasing or if wanting to buy or sell merchandise, food, equipment wholesale requires a Massachusetts Seller's Permit.

Here's How to Get Your Seller's Permit and Other permits and Registrations You May Need:

First decide on a business structure Massachusetts as a Sole Proprietor, LLC/Corp, or Partnership.

Note that each structure requires a filing. E.g., selecting an LLC, requires at least an LLC certificate, an LLC operating agreement, a business license and a federal tax ID number.

All Businesses need a(n), MA Business tax registration also called an occupational business License

Selling/Leasing or if wanting to buy or sell Massachusetts merchandise, food, equipment wholesale requires a Seller's Permit.

All MA Businesses Using a DBA doing business as name need a DBA Fictitious Business Name

Hiring MA Workers Requires a Federal EIN and a State Tax Number EIN

Are Services Taxable

Do I Need A Filing Before I Obtain a Sellers Permit

Do I Need a Sellers Permit For Selling Merchandise

Do I Need a Sellers Permit If I Have a Federal ID

Do Non Profits NonProfits Need a Sellers Permit

Do Professionals Need a Sellers Permit

How Do I Get a Sellers Permit

How Long Does It Take To Get My Sellers Permit

How Much is A Sellers Permit

Is a Resale Certificate Same as a Sellers Permit

Is a Resale ID Same As a Sellers Permit

Where I Can Go Obtain A Sellers Permit

Why Do I Need a Sellers Permit


From sole proprietor, LLC, partneship or Corp.: Each requires a certificate filing.


All businesses/entities need a business license and an EIN.


Selling/Buying wholesale or retail requires a seller's permit.

MA Seller's Permit. Here's a Seller's Permit Example for the State of MA: Set Up Llc In Massachusets Plymouth County Brockton Shoes Store Brockton, 02301 0 Brockton, 6/25/2021 8:11 PM . Shoes Store Set Up Llc In Massachusets
my bussiness is a shoe store and also ankle bracelet

i will be selling in the united states
i will have my own personal  website
    0 Online Selling Stuff Shoes Store Fitzcburg Γ‰lΓ©gante, LLC.

02301   MA Plymouth County
shoes store
Registering Your Own Small New Store Business

Most stores sell merchandise so the first thing is to get a sellers permit to buy merchandise wholesale and sell it retail.

Aside from that, you then need to select your business structure: Sole Proprietor, Partnership, LLC or Corporation.  

The above step is important business all  Store  documents will be filed under the type of business organizational structure.

Of course, you can have a brick and mortar, road side, mobile or online store.  All of these require the same licensing not because of the type of location but because there  are all businesses.

After that, you will need to obtain a business permit.  

This is a general business permit that all new businesses must obtain.

More than 31% of the GNP, though, less than $5,000,000.00 is generated through retail sales business.

Though less than 2 million retail businesses, there is about 1.6 ml retail stores not including online retail.   Note that in the majority of the cases you do not need to obtain a business permit that is specifically for your type of business.

You only need a general business permit.  In addition, all businesses must be identified by a business tax ID called a federal tax ID number or Employer Identification Number (EIN).

If you file as a sole proprietor, you can use your social security number instead of the federal ID.

  Then, 99% of all stores require a sellers permit if you sell merchandise wholesale or retail.  The sellers permit is also called state ID, wholesale ID, resale ID, or re-seller license.  

If you are an employer, you will need a federal employer Number and a State Employer Number.

If you do business as a name other than your full legal name, for example, you do business as "ABC Discount Store," you will need to file a doing business as (DBA) filing.  

Finally, you have the option or incorporating or forming an LLC. Setting up as one of these corporate entities allows you not to file a DBA.  ok thank you did not know that how to obtain them
ok well i want to sell nike and jordan brand shoes i my store but don't have a shoe selling license i can get that here today you say ?
I was trying to sale online merchandise for men and women to include shoes
I will be opening up a store selling nothing but name brand stuff like shoes...shirts..all the above for men and women
yes. I wanted to know what all I needed to do to sale gently used and new childrens clothes and shoes from home and possibility have a spot in someones small store
Example 2:

MA Seller's Permit.

Here's a Seller's Permit Example for the State of MA: Honey Dipped Tresses

Norfolk County Milton Hair Extension Milton, 02186 I will not hire any contractors or employees. Milton, 2/23/2021 2:46 PM . Hair Extension Honey Dipped Tresses

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      Internet Selling Hair Extension Fitz burg  , LLC.

02186   MA Norfolk County
MA DBA Example: 2/23/2021 2:46 PM SrJohnns . Honey Dipped Tresses Hair Extension

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DeJanech, . MA 2 City of Milton Hair Extension license MA
Frequently asked questions:

Q: Do I need anything other than a trade name DBA certificate?
A: Yes, you may need a business tax id and a business tax registration as well as a resale ID if you sell taxable items.
Q:What happens after I choose the structure of my business?
A:First, you need a business license, and the DBA registration. Then, it depends whether you are an employer.. if you are one, you will need a federal and state employer tax number ID. In addition, if you sell any items or you lease any taxable items you will need a sales tax id number.
Q:What if I have a partner, Do I need to register more than one DBA name?
A:If you have a pertner, you still get one fictitious business name filing that has both partners names and home addresses.
Q:What if I operate in another county area but my clients are in yet another county? Depending on the volume of your business you may have to get licensing to come in the county to do business but the ficitious business name is issued where you business is located so you will need only one registration for the county your office is located.
A:When do I renew my trade name license? The fictitious business name statement registration is valid for 4-5 years then you need to renew.
Q:Is there a list of business name certificates I can obtain from your company? No, our listing are private and not rendered to the public.
A:Do I have to pay an annual fee to maintain my DBA registration? No, you don't have to pay anything annually but you do need to renew every 4-5 years and that requires a renewal fee..
Q:How long before or after I start my business am I required to file a DBA? In most cases, you need to apply within 30 days of starting your business
A:Sole proprietorship vs. DBA vs. "S" corporation. From all these, naturally, LLC is better vs. Sole proprietor because an LLC saves taxes and protects your assets. On the other hand, an "S" corporation can help you better than an LLC or a sole proprietorship in many specific cases.
Q:What if I decide not to start a business? Will I get a refund for my Fictitious Business Name fees I paid? Unfortunately, fees for DBA filing and registration are not refundable.
A:Is a business name registration sufficient to start a business or is insurance required? Most businesses do need insurance but you may need to register your company name and obtain a business license as well as some type of tax ID depending on you type of business before starting your business.


Sales & Use Tax Rate Changes Effective January 1, 2021 

The Massachusetts use tax is 6.25 percent of the sales price or rental charge on tangible personal property (including phone and mail order items or items purchased over the Internet) or certain  Massachusetts has a 6.25% state Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) on most goods (raised from 5% in 2009).    

What is the Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) ? The Massachusetts Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) is 6.25 percent of the sales price or rental charge of tangible personal property 1 or certain telecommunications services 2 sold or rented in the Commonwealth. ) The Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) generally is paid to the vendor as an addition to the purchase price. The buyer pays the Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) to the vendor at the time of purchase; the vendor then remits the tax to the Commonwealth. For motor vehicle and trailer sales, however, the Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) is paid directly to the Commonwealth by the purchaser.

There is no Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) on food items, but prepared meals purchased in a restaurant are subject to a meal tax of 6.25% (in some towns voters chose to add a local 0.75% tax, raising the meal tax to 7%, with that incremental revenue coming back to the town).    

Who is a sales/use tax vendor? A sales/use tax vendor is a retailer or any other person who regularly sells, rents or leases tangible personal property or telecommunications services that are subject to the Massachusetts Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) .

 A vendor is anyone who: Sells, rents or leases in Massachusetts generally; Purchases tangible personal property or telecommunications services for resale in Massachusetts;

Acquires parts to manufacture goods for sale or resale in Massachusetts;

Has a business location in Massachusetts;

Has representatives soliciting orders for tangible personal property or telecommunications services within Massachusetts; or

Sells to Massachusetts residents or businesses and delivers, repairs or installs goods or telecommunications services within the Commonwealth.

Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) on liquor was repealed in a 2010 referendum vote. Sales of individual  items of clothing costing $175 or less are generally exempt; on individual items  costing more than $175, Sales Tax (get Seller's Permit) is due only on the amount over $175.

Wondering How to Obtain a Business License or whether to get one for your  New
In addition, to start your own Handmade Pens business, the first step is to apply for a TX Home Occupation Business License , , but TX Sellers Permit is at state level registration. The business license may be required from just one government level, such as the state, or any two or all levels of government may require you to get a permit or license. 2 City of Corpus Christi Handmade Pens license TX
MA Business?

Official Name Worcester States MA State City Boston Largest City Boston Capital Boston State Cities Cambridge A. You may obtain an application
by submitting your business information on our website,
paying online or you may contact us at 310-455-6675.

Q. If I have several businesses, but they are all owned as sole owner businesses?

In short, you must apply for Business License which
includes a Business Application Form License.
Getting a Business License is not exactly easy but hire us and
we could get you one in any state or we could research and
tell you how to go about finding out
How to Get a Business License.
Here is how to Obtain a Business License in your state.
First, it does not matter whether you applying for a New Business License, or just
wondering how you go about Obtaining a
Business License. Second, know that for your Small Business
License it is not only about getting the Business
License Cost or the business license fees but also about what is the correct
business license form.

do I have to get a Business Licenses for
each and every one?
A. No, you may do business with just one MA business license. State Abbreviation Massachusetts Related Links: Click for MA counties sitemap. State Sitemap
Worcester Boston Boston Massachusetts MA Boston Cambridge Licenses & Permits

Do I need a MA Seller's Permit?
You may need a selle'r permit and several other Massachusetts permits and tax IDs. MA MA Seller's Permit.

There are many terms describing a seller's permit:

A MA seller's permit is also called a state ID, a
sales tax number
and a general MA state resale tax numbrer for business.
Also, resale ID, reseller ID, sales tax ID, reseller license. State reseller ID etc.
In addition to a seller's permit, you may need a MA fictitious firm business name registration because it is required if you use a name other
than your full family name as a business trade name.

In the case that you are an llc or corporation, a trade business name
registration is required if trading with a name other than
the llc or corporation name.
MA LLC vs. "S" Corporation.

As with an "S" Corporation, a limited liability company is like a shield against
creditors and lawsuits arising out of business transacions.
The llc will shield your personal assets such
as automobiles or homes. An LLC is more flexible but an "S" Corporation may help you save on employment taxes if you are self employed. MA Incorporation.

A corporation can be either "S" or "C" as a business corporation. It is like a shield against creditors
and lawsuits arising out of business transacions.
The corporation will shield your personal assets
such as automobiles or homes. Also, note that if you incorporate or set up an LLC, you will not need to file for a trade name if you meet the requirements mentioned above.
Shoes Store
my bussiness is a shoe store and also ankle bracelet i will be selling in the united states i will have my own personal website
Clothing Store
I will be selling clothing items online on printify. It will hopefully be selling nation wide depends on if the customers like it.

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Handmade Jewelry

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1 Online 2 products selling 3 eBay and Amazon I am planning to buy products from wholesalers or distributors to sell online. All products will be General merchandise??

Hi Muhammad, you should get an LLC instead of a DBA. To Set Up Permits, you will need to obtain the licensing required for General Merchandise.

You can obtain them on our site as well as obtain all the licensing you need to run your General Merchandise store.

That said, General Merchandise is subject to sales tax when sold. Thus, a wholesale General Merchandise seller will charge you sales tax unless you hold a seller's permit that enables you to buy the items wholesale.

For example, if you buy General Merchandise worth $100, you will be subject to you will be subject to 6.25% sales tax, so you will pay $106.25. The Massachusetts sales tax is 6.25% of the sales price or rental charge on tangible personal property, including certain telecommunication services sold or rented in Massachusetts. Sales tax is generally collected by the seller.

Sales tax is a tax paid to a government (state or local) and it is collected for the sale of certain goods and services.

Regardless, as a business, you will need to register the business name "BUK," with a DBA, LLC or corporation.

Furthermore, all businesses need to obtain a business license. Finally, hiring workers requires a withholding tax registration with a federal EIN and a State EIN.


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Clothing Boutique

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Shoes Store
my bussiness is a shoe store and also ankle bracelet i will be selling in the united states i will have my own personal website
Shoes Store

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Shoes Store

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Yes, you will require other permits and licensing registrations, particularly on the off chance that you utilize a fictitious, invented, assumed, imaginary, or firm name such as e.g., Best Shop, you will have to register a business name with a DBA doing trade as certificate ($39 plus govt fee), an LLC certificate or a Corporation certificate.

To offer taxable items, you ought to obtain a sellers permit and on the off chance that you will enlist representatives, you may ought to get a government employer tax ID number as well as a state employer tax ID number.


A business license is clearance consent from the government that your sort of business can work in the area it will be set up, simply have paid the charges and expenses for the review that will be required for your sort of operation, which you have got examined and will comply with the rules within the city, district, state and government locales that authoritatively influence your business.

For instance, a sellers permit is not a business permit since a sellers permit lets you charge taxes and purchase discount, while a business permit concerns the area, sort, and net income of your business, and it is like a net receipt tax on your business since the charge you pay to get a business license is not as it were the permit charge but also a yearly tax. For example, if you sell a merchandise item at $10, you will need to charge $0.70 sales tax, assuming a 7% sales tax rate in your state.


Fortunately, the government charge is more often than not $15.00 to $90.00, but it can be less or nothing in progress as is the case in Malibu simply pay the charge or charge at the conclusion of the year. Other cities, such as Santa Monica, may charge you considerably more. For illustration, some time recently issuing a business license, Beverly Slopes charges attorneys nearly $2,000.00 yearly to conduct business inside the city limits since as they told me, they provide me the benefit to conduct commerce from their celebrity city. I do not know approximately, but it sounds more like a covered up tax.


Besides, a business license is not a commerce title enlistment, such as a DBA doing trade as, nor an LLC certificate. The latter two are tax structure and trade name registrations, though a business permit concerns the tax and security of the business in the address it operates.

Nor can a business permit be an employer ID because in the event that you wish an employer ID you will get to get it independently indeed though few governments issue them as one permit or permit.


To make this easy, we are able to assist you for a fee of $39 in getting a business license online here. Essentially, give us your business data and select a business license, and we will get it to you. You will be able to moreover and controls included in conducting your business.

You can moreover get it for yourself if you know the organization that is included for your sort of commerce or area.


To get your licenses yourself, essentially discover the government building that issues the permit included. For illustration, it might be the government as is the case with a gun permit, the county as is the case with the most perilous and wellbeing related trade issues, or the state permit because it is the case with the most proficient and exchange commerce licenses. To make this easier, click on Contact Us and call or e-mail us to provide you with more information on how to get a business license.


If you do not record a business license, you may be under infringement by city, province, state or government rules, on the off chance that any, and will be subject to seizure of your trade as well as strong fines depending on the area and purview of your business.

Shoes Store

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ok thank you did not know that how to obtain them ok well i want to sell nike and jordan brand shoes i my store but don't have a shoe selling license i can get that here today you say ? I was trying to sale online merchandise for men and women to include shoes I will be opening up a store selling nothing but name brand stuff like shoes...shirts..all the above for men and women yes. I wanted to know what all I needed to do to sale gently used and new childrens clothes and shoes from home and possibility have a spot in someones small store
shoes store

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Registering Your Own Small New Store Business
Most stores sell merchandise so the first thing is to get a sellers permit to buy merchandise wholesale and sell it retail.
Aside from that, you then need to select your business structure: Sole Proprietor, Partnership, LLC or Corporation.
The above step is important business all Store documents will be filed under the type of business organizational structure.
Of course, you can have a brick and mortar, road side, mobile or online store. All of these require the same licensing not because of the type of location but because there are all businesses.
After that, you will need to obtain a business permit.
This is a general business permit that all new businesses must obtain.
More than 31% of the GNP, though, less than $5,000,000.00 is generated through retail sales business.
Though less than 2 million retail businesses, there is about 1.6 ml retail stores not including online retail. Note that in the majority of the cases you do not need to obtain a business permit that is specifically for your type of business.
You only need a general business permit. In addition, all businesses must be identified by a business tax ID called a federal tax ID number or Employer Identification Number (EIN).
If you file as a sole proprietor, you can use your social security number instead of the federal ID.
Then, 99% of all stores require a sellers permit if you sell merchandise wholesale or retail. The sellers permit is also called state ID, wholesale ID, resale ID, or re-seller license.
If you are an employer, you will need a federal employer Number and a State Employer Number.
If you do business as a name other than your full legal name, for example, you do business as "ABC Discount Store," you will need to file a doing business as (DBA) filing.
Finally, you have the option or incorporating or forming an LLC. Setting up as one of these corporate entities allows you not to file a DBA.

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MASeller's Perrmit
Worcester Boston Boston Massachusetts MA Boston Cambridge Licenses & Permits
Uni Boutiq LLC Boutique 4/20/2021 5:09 PM - Chicopee, MA Seller's Permit
Honey Dipped Tresses Hair Extension 2/23/2021 2:46 PM - Milton, MA Seller's Permit
01541 Precious Metals 9/5/2018 9:39 PM - Princeton, MA Seller's Permit
01890 Clothing Store 5/29/2018 12:35 PM - Winchester, MA Seller's Permit
Whatdo I Need Jewlery 2/6/2018 6:55 PM - Boston, MA Seller's Permit
01880 Hair Salon 4/20/2017 1:25 PM - Wakefield, MA Seller's Permit
02127 Online Clothing Boutique 3/13/2015 12:58 PM - Abington, MA Seller's Permit
Resell License In Massachusetts Direct Mail Advertising 9/15/2014 12:27 PM - Shelburne Falls, MA Seller's Permit
What Do I Need For A Home Based Clothing Store Online Clothing Boutique 3/14/2014 9:57 PM - Springfield, MA Seller's Permit
Apply For Sellers Permit Massage Merchandise MA Massage Therapy 1/5/2014 9:47 AM - Westford, MA Seller's Permit


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